First spawn resulted in around 130 F1, second around 60. Im preparing the setup for the next. The last couple of months they have had "holiday". But no worries - i know my fish and can make them spawn almost on command ;) arh almost...
But anyhow their spawning water are almost the same as for my culture discus. 180-220 microS/cm, pH 6,2-6,4. Filtering over peat. 250 l BB aquarium. But I experimentet with rain season simulation.
Hello Heiko,Heiko Bleher wrote:Dear Rune,
very beautiful discus, congratulations, also for the you. Just note: these are NOT reds from Nhamunda, but somewhere from the Alenquer region. The Nhamundá discus ou can see in my book, are always very rounbd discus, contrary to thoese from alenquer region.
Anyhow, beauties, and all the very best
Thanks for the roses.
hmmm, ok. Based on nhamunda discus always are round?
Anyway they are bought as Nhamunda reds (M) in 2006 from Manaus. I even think they are pretty round, maybe the angle on the pic make it difficult? You have to explain more.